When you develop your law firm’s website, there are numerous pages and parts you can use to reach your clients effectively. One of these important pages that add real value to your website and client reach is having a section of Questions and Answers.When clients come to your website, they are looking for valuable info and solutions to their legal concerns and issues. This is where you can step up by offering quality and informational content that addresses these issues.
Blog posts and articles are one of the ways to do this, but another more direct way to directly answer their concerns or questions is to offer a Question and Answer section. If you don’t have a section like this in your web site and want to add one, here are some tips for maximizing its impact.
No 1: Use simple language that your clients will understand.
A common mistake we see in some Law Firm websites is that they often use complex legal language in their content that isn’t understood directly by the average visitor that comes to their website. If you can address their questions in simple language (without of course being excessively informal) that they are familiar with, you will build more rapport and a close relationship with them, which can then be used in your favor. Remember that clients may come from different educational and social backgrounds and it would be safe to speak in a language that is understood by most.
No 2: Think of the possible most common questions your clients would like to ask.
When clients search Google, very often they are seeking for specific advice and solutions to their questions like for example “What can I do legally if my ex husband has been fired and can’t pay for child support”. Sometimes these terms may differ to the terms you use as a law firm but they are essentially talking about the same thing. A good way to select which questions you will answer, is to check out Google analytics. Google analytics will give you the most popular incoming keywords people use to come to your website. Use the most common ones to form questions in which you will give an answer.
No 3: Choose the appropriate way to build your Q and A page.
There are numerous ways to create and present this page depending on the number and nature of the questions and of course your website’s format and layout. One way to do this is to craft a single page that has all the questions and answers in static form. This may be especially good for people who have more general concerns than specific questions. Another way is to create an index of questions in which users can click on the one they are interested in to be directed in its answer in a separate page. This will work for people who have already a specific question in mind.
We will be glad to help you maximize further your reach and customer retention. Just contact us to address your concerns and come-up with successful strategy for your law firm’s owned online presence.