Google aims to upgrade website security measures



Google SSL, Website Security

The team of Google has recently announced that the use of the HTTPS protocol of web security is an essential security element that must be included in websites.
Why HTTPS is important in SEO?
The use of HTTPS with Secure Locket system in conjunction with SEO-optimized website layout, high quality and unique content and quality inbound and outbound links are all very important in boosting the rank of your website in search engines.
For this reason, Google has announced that any website that uses these elements along with HTTPS encryption in all pages of the website will be rewarded and their rank in search engines will improve. This type of reward aims to send the message to website owners that maintaining data security is vital and shouldn’t be ignored.

Google SSL

The majority of webmasters are already aware of the https:// prefix, which recognizes secured and encrypted websites but only a few know what it really does and how to utilize the element properly. For this reason, Google plans to include more information in their webmaster guidelines and informational platforms in the near future.
To present, SSL certification systems have been primarily used by commercial websites who process sensitive data and personal information like credit card numbers, addresses, and passwords. Now, SSL will become a necessity for almost all websites. You can order your SSL from Digidestination Ltd.

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