5 considerations when writing a Law Firm Blog Post



5 considerations when writing a Law Firm Blog Post

In the vast majority of inbound marketing blogs, frequency and content planning is one of the top 3 things to consider when writing your blog posts.But all these may prove out to have little to none value if your content is just thrown out there with no real purpose—and it won’t get any you any more leads and potential for conversions.

A good blogging plan for your law firm’s blog, should consider the following questions:

No 1:  Does this post offer any value or purpose to my clients?

Some law firms make the mistake of writing and publishing blog posts that they like to write about without thinking if their posts will be of interest for their customers.  If the client who comes to read such post finds it boring or useless, you are virtually sabotaging your chances to get better results.

You need to ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this have any value for my clients?
  • Does this post mention a solution to client problems or concerns?
  • Does this blog post offer new pieces of info not widely available elsewhere?

The more specific and informational you are about the topic, the more impactful it will be for you clients who seek such information online.

No 2: Don’t try to catch everyone’s attention by being too broad and general?

Another mistake spotted in some law firm websites is focusing on too broad or general topics. The thing is, it’s impossible to please everyone and not only that, general blog posts like these are also found in other competitive websites. You won’t stand out from the rest unless you become more specific. This is the key to getting quality traffic that is more likely going to take action than simply attracting everyone and  anyone.

No 3: Are you using the right media and pictures to enhance your post?

We all know that no one likes to read extra long and static posts without any visuals to enhance it and make it look more interesting. The thing is, visuals can either make or break your blog posts. If you place for example a low quality stock image that is little to no relevant to the content of your post, obviously you will make the wrong impression. On the contrary, using high quality visuals that are relevant and enhance the look of your post will be more appealing to your visitors.

No 4: What is your competition writing about?

Keeping a close track of your competitor’s content isn’t for just giving you ideas on what to write also—this shouldn’t be your focus. Instead, what you should do is to check what they have written and exploit their mistakes or deficiencies to write something better. For example, are they too broad or general? Are their posts filled with fluff without any real solution to client issues?  Are there any mistakes and inaccuracies in their posts?  We all know that nobody is perfect so if you can step up the game and even “play” better than them, you’ll win!

Need help writing blog posts for your law firm’s website? We at Digidestination can help! Just contact us for more info

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