Writing Better Case Results For Your Website



Writing Better Case Results From Your Website

When you are an established law firm, any previous hits as a lawyer or legal consultant constitute a proof that will attract and earn the trust of new potential clients. Case results are a prime example demonstrating the effects of social and professional proof.The thing is, while many law firms choose to include some care results in their websites, they just list a couple of examples with 1 or 2 line sentences for each and absolutely no amount of detail. Some may list a bunch of case results but again they are too short to offer any substance. This defeats somehow the purpose of having them in the first place.
You can of course present these case results as an indexed list in your website, but each should have a link attached where you will re-direct the visitor to access more in-depth info.
The key to make these case studies more impactful for you clients, is adopt a mindset that is similar to your average client. That way you’ll gain greater chances of lead generation and even conversions.
The first phase to get in this mindset is to understand how your client processes information and prioritizes their needs when they check such cases.
Ultimately, your potential clients seek to know:

  • First, the level of your caring attitude
  • Secondly, how happy and enthusiastic are you about it?
  • Thirdly and ultimately, what is the result of your work?

And in case you are wondering how to build such cases better here are some tips:

  • List all the facts. Each legal situation has its own set of facts and details. For example, let’s say your client was the victim of a car accident. Perhaps these happened at nighttime and they got crashed by a drunk driver while driving with their partner. Mention all your clients concerns and issues around the situation. This will set a basis in which people who also experiences something similar, can relate to. Describe your willingness and reasons of wanting to take over and help with this case as a law firm or single attorney. Describe both the needs and motivations of your client as well as yours. If your clients can see that their needs and motivations match with yours and can be met by your services, they will more likely convert to real clients.
  • List all the challenges. In most legal cases, there are minor or major challenges that you’ll have to face as an attorney. If you can list them, visitors will most likely think that you are a hard player that can get results despite of these challenges—and this is very beneficial for your law firm business.
  • List any quest details. At this stage, you will add supporting details that will explain the course of action you took to handle a certain situation e.g. a lawsuit from a Small Business Owner against a billion dollar company.
  • And finally list the result. The ultimate end of your case studies and probably the most important one, will of course be the results of your legal efforts for such cases. If we take the previous example that would be the winning of the trial against a billion dollar company from a small business owner who was deceived by such company. But aside from that, mention the results of such efforts and impact of the legal decision in your client’s life e.g. your client managed to be compensated 1 million and was able to use that money to build the business.

Remember that clients want to see the impact of your actions to their lives and the solution to their problems-they don’t just want to see your professional handling of a situation. If you can do both of course, that will be a win-win case for both you and the client.

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