Top 3 questions legal firms should have about Google “Mobile first indexing” in 2017



Top 3 questions legal firms should have about Google “Mobile first indexing” in 2017

Google has been experimenting with the concept of switching to a mobile index for over a year or so. A few months ago, Google formally introduced their intention to shift to a mobile-first index. Depending on your firm’s design and implementation, this update will have an effect on your web page’s visibility within search results.

Importantly, as a part of their announcement, Google noted:

” Although our search index will proceed to be a single index of websites and apps, our algorithms will ultimately use the mobile version of a website content to rank pages from that website, to understand structured information, and to show snippets from these pages in our results.”

Easily, Google is switching to utilizing mobile versions of pages to build their index. Therefore, in case your firm’s site includes content material and markup that varies depending on whether or not users arrive via a mobile device or desktop, this update would impact how well your pages are placed in Google search results.

What’s Mobile First Indexing?

To answer this question we need to have knowledge of what’s being done presently with desktop indexing. Presently (as far as we all know) Google uses one single algorithm to scan all websites and has a desktop base. This means that all web pages are scanned as a desktop site and looks for signals in the scan that tells Google…hey! Our site is mobile friendly too! It then takes these signals and populates unique search results to you based on what type of device you used to make that search.

Over the last few years, we have seen issues with mobile search as many websites can provide very sub-par user experiences to Google for mobile devices. This is the force behind all of the changes Google has imposed over the past few years, enhancing the mobile experience for websites. Google sees the writing on the wall, search and internet site visitors have grown exponentially on mobile devices in comparison with a desktop, yet we’re still caught in a desktop world for websites. Google has made it their mission to personally push the entire internet in the mobile direction and I wholeheartedly support this development. The Mobile First Indexing announcement is the subsequent section of this. Google will now start scanning web pages for his or her mobile capabilities and what type of experience you provide to the user on mobile devices before all other desktop factors.

What do legal firms need to do?

If a legal firm already has an adequate functioning responsive design website, as mentioned above, the quick reply is, it shouldn’t have to change something, really.

However, if a legal firm’s website has separate mobile and desktop page content material, it must follow the guidelines listed in Google’s announcement on the Webmaster central blog. The notes there cover accessibility, structured knowledge, canonical hyperlinks, verification and more.

What else can legal firms do to maintain visibility in this changing landscape?

  1. Increase page speed through optimizing pages and images, and minifying code. Google’s Page Speed Insights tool outlines in detail what needs to be expanded, and improve it. Increased page speed is a very important element when Google examines how mobile-friendly your website is.
  2. Continue making improvements and maintaining on-web page optimization. It can be effective to incorporate keywords and also common search queries, maintaining many factors short and to the point, considering the limitation of characters in mobile SERPs.
  3. Press on with local efforts. Building online citations and listings for apps and websites that are consistently accessed on a daily basis via mobile are beneficial. Google Maps users make use of the app on the go more than every other time, but, it’s swiftly becoming the norm for users to choose out of the desktop and prefer their mobile device for a rapid local search, in spite of their location and challenge.

Also, Google just validated chat functions on a select few Google My business listings. If this option is adopted and rolled out to legal firms, they might possibly have case consultations scheduled before the client even visits their site. Keeping correct and relevant information on listings like this simply support legal firms with future developments, whether it has to do with rankings and visibility, or producing leads which might be directly or not directly impacted with the aid of their Google My business checklist.

Bottom line

Legal firms need to position great value on their users’ mobile experience in every resolution they make on the subject of their marketing. Whether it’s including new content, implementing new features, or an entire website redesign, there will have to continuously be a “mobile-first” process to aligning with how Google views user’s experience and the continuing increase in mobile usage.


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