Before we attempt to discuss the value of Advanced Content as a means to increase your exposure and influential role, it would be wise to define first, what Advanced Content is.
What is Advanced content?
Advanced content is basically content that goes beyond ordinary texts and is more interactive in nature than static text formats. For example, downloadable material is a form of advanced content. Any reports, infomercials, CDs, multimedia e.g. how-to videos, webinars, e-books, extra systems or programs that require a certain action from the user to grant access (click on the button to watch or download the material), is considered Advanced Content.
What is the role of Advanced Content on your website?
Now the role of the Advanced content is primarily to offer your readers and most importantly industry professionals additional specialized info on your product or services. This would be useful for generating leads and acquiring good quality leads and weeding out random visitors that just came across your website or blog for no particular reason in their mind.
This happens because if we compare regular content to Advanced Content, the first is broader and more targeted towards acquiring more traffic, whereas the latter is used for acquiring more quality traffic and possibly leads as the user that really checks to see the Advanced Content offered on a corporate website or blog, is looking for quite specific and specialized information not being offered currently by regular content formats.
In reality, there are thousands if not millions of other companies offering similar regular content like you—and for this reason, it will be hard to convert your visitors to leads unless you go one step further and offer them Advanced Content besides your regular content. While this won’t dramatically increase your traffic in quantity terms, it will help attract quality leads e.g. industry professionals and allow you to set special prices for your products/services.
The people that come to check out your Advanced content are probably at a different stage in the buyer’s journey and aren’t just plain visitors—for this reason, make sure you include Advanced Content that specifically meets their needs for free at first as your prospects won’t be ready to pay from the very first stage.
This might seem like a not so good idea, but it really works in indirectly promoting your services and products while at the same time, offering real value to your visitors—it’s a win-win situation, and even though Advanced content is harder to articulate, your efforts will pay off.