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Answers to Your Questions

Why do I need WordPress Plugin Updates?
Plugin updates are made every time new functionality feature is made for specific plugin or if plugin vulnerability was addressed.
Why is it important to have WordPress up to date?
Similar to the plugins, core updates have improved system security and might include additional functionality. 
Why would I update my theme?
Themes are often use JS libraries which have security and functionality updates in addition if your site is build on the framework like library you might have latest up to date functionality which will power up your site editing. Theme updates often reflect search engine demands and make site faster.
Can I make updates by my self?
It is not recommended that you make an update by your self. Updating to incompatible version of the plugin can potentially break your website.
Why do I need site backup?
Websites that are online have access by site administrators, managers, site visitors, search engines and people that would like to break in your website. Any of the visitors groups might fail or succeed in their own way.  After investing time and money in creation of website it could be a disaster to have your site gone and not have a backup.
Why do you keep your backups on the cloud?
If a backup is saved on the same server with the site, then on event of the site failure (server disk failure, security bridge, security bridge of the account placed on the same server,  deletion of the server files by error or on purpose) of the site backup might be corrupt as well.  Having backup files securely stored on the cloud eliminates this possibility.
Why would I need to backup daily or hourly?
If your business is heavily relying on online presence such as online sales and lead generation means that your sites data is vital. If you are regularly publishing blog posts in case of loss you might lose the data and links that could be used by search engines to bring you traffic. If you are running e-commerce and your site is corrupt could mean hours, days or weeks of lost invoices and financial documentation as well as lost orders and frustrated customers.
Are your backups GDPR compliant?
Yes our backups are stored within European Union and backup files can be deleted upon request.
What is considered as custom development?

Custom development can be anything from adding new image, correcting About us page text to extending your site for with new functionality. We will discount the amount of hours depending on the maintenance page that you select.

What is database cleaning and optimization?

WordPress Database gets cluttered with log and page revision records this puts extra load on the server and makes your and other sites work slower, through database optimization we make sure your site as fast as when it was delivered to you.

What is the maintenance report?

Maintenance report includes all the work  we made behind the scenes on your site. List of latest backups month, optimizations statistics etc. all can be found in the report.

What is SEO tracking and reports?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tool provides, extra value to our clients by allowing us to deliver professional keyword and competitor reporting it might also gives us good data that might start discussions on further website improvements.

What are the site speed checks?

The speed check gives you insight into what is happening with your website and how it’s performing. It’s the first step to solving your problems, the speed check tells you what they are. It gives you a breakdown of the factors that are affecting your website. You can see each individual factor and its grade, as well as giving you recommendations on how to improve your website performance.

Security scans, daily?

Security is not only about your site but also about what customers receive when they enter your site. It is important to run those scans regularly avoiding any possibility serving malicious content to your site’s visitors.

What will I get with Uptime monitor?

With uptime monitor we will be notified via email, telegram and SMS within 5 minutes after your site goes down. Once we are notified we will ether start restoring your site, server or will contact you for further notice.  We will make sure that your site is up and running in the minimum time.

How are the payments handled?

All payments are done via PayPal subscription service.  More information can be found here: PayPal subscriptions

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